1. Project Steering Committee
The Project Steering Committee (PSC), to be chaired by the Secretary of Ministry of Urban Development (MOUD), will be established to provide policy guidance, oversee project implementation, and ensure cooperation of all agencies involved in the project and accomplish reform measures. Indicative members of the PSC are: Secretary, MOUD (chair); Joint secretary MOUD, project manager, HPCIDBC; General Director DOI, General Director DHM, Chief warden Shivapuri Nagarjun National Park, a representative each from MOF, WECS KVDA, KUKL PID, project director KVWMP (members); project director, PMUC BRBIP (member secretary).Project Steering Committee may co-opt other members and form sub-committees for specific purposes, as necessary. PSC will meet as required, but at least once every quarter.
2. Executing Agency
The Executing Agency (EA) will be the Ministry of Urban Development responsible for overall strategic planning, guidance and management of the project, and for ensuring compliance with loan covenants.
3. Implementing Agencies
HPCIDBC will be the implementing agency (IA) for output 2 and 5 and part of output 3 including rainwater harvesting schemes and watershed management. HPCIDBC will establish the PCMU with its own staff, staff deputed from other department or recruited from the market when specialities are not available within government. The PCMU will have units for Contracting & Finance, River Works Planning, Design & Construction Supervision, Social Mobilisation & Communication, Safeguards and Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E), and DSS.
WECS will be the IA for outputs 1 and 4, including RBO Formation, IWRM implementation DSS, IRBDMP and FFEW inputs and activities. Output 4 will be implemented in collaboration with the Department of Hydro-meteorology (DHM). The PIU in WECS will be headed by a class II Engineer and staffed by DSS Engineers (two persons, of Class III), 1 Administration officer, one secretary and one driver. The WECs will work closely with DHM for the FFEW installation. The Department of Irrigation (DOI) will be the IA for part of the output 3 including the detail design and construction of the Dhap Dam and the detail design of the Nagmati dam.